
…in a small box

Oh hey there!

My clients have always asked me how I could magically be in the room with them while they did big, bold things - like negotiate raises, deliver important presentations or be vulnerable with their team.

These cultivation cards - this executive deck - are part of my answer to that need. I made these cards for them - for you - so that you can take a small piece of clarity & confidence with you when it’s time to mojo up and get going everyday.

These cards are made for reflection, connection and grit-building. They are your personal seeds of change to help you grow through the strengths you’re working to cultivate.



Shuffle your deck however you’d like and pick whichever card you’re drawn to read.


Spend a few minutes with your card and decide how you want to act on its guidance. If there’s a QR code in the corner, scan that and take a deeper dive.


Take your card with you for the day and go act on some big deck energy!


When I was a kid, my mother let me plant an apple seed in our back yard. I remember excitedly running outside, grabbing the first stick I could find, jamming it into the dirt, unearthing a little mound of soil and then very gently nestling a smooth, dark, hard apple seed into it. I flooded it with water and proudly admired what I had achieved. I was a farmer, now! I had visions of a grand apple tree growing there.

I asked my mom seemingly daily about how long it would take to grow that tree. I was maybe 6 years old, impatient & eager. She encouraged me to keep watching, likely knowing that my little apple tree wouldn't grow for a few reasons. Still, her allowance and encouragement stirred in me the desire to DO something, to grow something that had, on some level, a larger meaning for me. And, in some ways, it worked. I didn't grow an apple tree, but I did grow the belief that I could do it. The potential for success had been planted.

And so it is with all people, I believe.

We have a deep desire to do meaningful things, to watch things grow, to have purpose and to be connected to more than just ourselves.

I believe we all have wildly big degrees of potential that are just waiting to be sown and seen. Like the nature that surrounds us, we just need to be nurtured with the right elements to help us grow. Every person - no matter where they’re from or where they’re headed - can bloom where they are planted. ♥

The cultivation cards were created to help you carve out a path for your potential to grow and thrive. Your practice of using these cards and carving out some space for you to GROW is what makes them so powerful. I invite you to start your journey of wild and free self-discovery, practice and exploration today.



Coming Soon!

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